Questions on Atomic Forces & Energies

  1. Name the fundamental forces of nature, according to the Standard Model.
  2. What are some of the differences and similarities of these forces?
  3. What properties determine the strength of the electrostatic force?
  4. What properties determine the strength of the gravitational force?
  5. What produces magnetism?
  6. How do magnets interact? Answer this also from the view of fundamental forces, i.e the electro-weak force.
  7. What do hard-core, short-range, and long-range mean in the context of forces?
  8. What are the properties of the hadronic force and how are they different from those of other fundamental forces?
  9. What is energy? What is kinetic energy? What is potential energy?
  10. What could happen to an atom as its energy changes?
  11. What is the conservation of energy principle?